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NEXT MEETUP | 8.19.2019 | 800 AM
Inter-Utility Overhead Trainers Association
2019 Host Vendor
2019 Host Utility
IUOTA 2019
Join other Overhead & Underground utility safety and training professionals at the annual sharing of free presentations and knowledge.
IUOTA is pleased to partner with IUSTA again in 2019 to add substation utility experts to the presentations and conversation. This year we will meet in Maine, at Point Lookout from 8/19-8/21.
IUOTA will once again host the two day training and test to obtain your CUSP after the the conference on 8/22 - 8/23. Another opportunity to prove to your employer that this time away is well worth the cost of travel and room.
Vendor Chairman
IUOTA Assistant Secretary
What is IUOTA ?
The primary purpose of the organization is to promote increased efficiency and effectiveness of training for Overhead and Underground personnel through the exchange of ideas and training information. The scope of training activities includes safety, communications, operations, maintenance, general work practices, and policies related to training.